1400 Willow Lane
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Hours: Mon-Fri 8AM to 5PM
Phone: 336.667.5151
Fax: 336.838.3133
- Development of the Career and Educational Profile
- Ongoing Benefits Counseling
- Behavioral Health Integration
- Address Barriers to Employment
- Employment Peer Mentor
- Rapid Job Search and Systematic Job Development
- Disclosure
- Job Accommodations and Assistive Technology
- Follow Along Supports
Welcome to Daymark's Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Program
Serving Wilkes, Watauga, Ashe, Alleghany and Avery Counties
IPS is a person-centered, behavioral health service with a focus on employment, that provides assistance in choosing, acquiring, and maintaining competitive paid employment in the community for individuals 16 years and older for whom employment has not been achieved or employment has been interrupted or intermittent. This service is co-located with an agency’s behavioral health treatment services to ensure consistent behavioral health integration. The target populations for this model are individuals with primary diagnosis of a serious to severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI), or a primary diagnosis of substance use disorder. Program goals for IPS-SE include that the individual finds and maintains competitive employment, they enroll in/completes credits towards an educational program that can then be leveraged to find employment, they increase the average number of hours worked a week, and they increase their average pay.
IPS follows 8 practice principles: 1. Focus on Competitive Employment 2. Eligibility Based on Client Choice (Zero-Exclusion) 3. Integration of Rehabilitation and Mental Health Services 4. Attention to Individual Preferences 5. Personalized Benefits Counseling 6. Rapid Job Search 7. Systematic Job Development 8. Time Unlimited and Individualized Support
Payment Options
There are no fees for individuals who receive IPS-SE services.
Success Story - "When IPS began working with KJ, she had not been employed for over a year and was struggling with social anxiety and self-doubt in her ability to return to work, however. With the team members’ assistance, Kaitlyn attained employment at the Salvation Army Thrift store as a customer service associate. Prior to starting work, her EPS met with employers in the community on her behalf. When meeting with the manager at the Salvation Army Thrift store, the EPS found her to be compassionate and supportive of her employees, which was exactly what KJ needed in a manager. The Salvation Army thrift store had a part-time customer service job available. The team’s EPS and the IPS Peer Mentor prepared the KJ on interviewing and how to present for the job. KJ gained communication skills and confidence that allowed her to advocate for a work schedule where she could continue her therapy. Kaitlyn is enjoying her new job and feels supported by her manager and co-workers. KJ is continuing to work with IPS on other goals."